Here are the profile of the character I got from wikipedia, tumblr and megamitensei.wikia
Daichi Shijima (志島大地) - An 18-year old classmate and childhood friends of the protagonist. He also has a habit of making light of a harsh situation and is a deep thinker. He is an ordinary high schooler who has anxiety about growing up. He freaks out like a normal person trapped in all this end of the world mess. Although spineless when compared to the rest, Daichi always pulls an impressive feat when other people are in danger. Unfortunately, his low self confidence doesn’t allow him to realize just how great he truly is. He has a crush in Io and rather protective of her. He has some kind of hidden rivalry to Yamato, most likely from envy that Yamato is very adult, while he doesn’t want to grow up.
- Born 8/1 (Leo)
- Height: 171cm (平均いってんだからな!) (because I’m average!)
- Weight: 57kg
- Occupation: 3rd year in high school (高校3年生)
- Lives at: 半臓門線沿線 (hanzoumonsenensen. I’m not really sure what that translates to, although he does apparently live near the railway tracks)
- Places he wants to go during vacation: “The ocean is fine~ (海もいいな~)”, “The mountain is fine too! (山もいいな!)”, “Let’s go somewhere we can get to by car! (車で行けるとこにしょーぜ!)”
At Level 1 he gains resistance to Fire, at Level 3 he unlocks Genma Hanuman ( Lv. 33 ), and at Level 5 Fury Seiten Taisei ( Lv. 52 ).
At Lv 99, His stats are HP: 750, MP: 278, St: 35, Ma: 22, Vi: 22, Ag: 36.
Io Nitta (新田維緒 ) - An 18-year old honors student. She has both the brains and beauty and is said to be a dream girl of many young men. Up until the last two days of the game, Io is constantly apologising and always compromises, agrees with others and never forces her own viewpoint on others. This frustrates Airi several times because she thinks that Io is very superficial, and when she tells Io to say what’s on her mind, Io realises that she hardly even has any opinions of her own. She pauses a lot when talking and Yamato chews her on her non-confrontational policy. Daichi has a small crush on her. She's the main romantic interest of the Protagonist.
- Born 5/3 (Taurus)
- Height: 159cm
- Weight: “Uh… I wonder if it would be bad that I don’t mention it…” (え……言わないとダメかな……)
- Occupation: 3rd year in high school (高校3年生)
- Lives at: “I moved into my current house (in Ariake) during elementary school” (いまの家(有明)には小学生の時に越しました)
- Places she wants to go during vacation: “Anywhere’s fine, but… how about somewhere like the ocean?” (どこでもいいけど……海なんて、どうかな)
Fate System
At Level 1 she gains resistance to Electricity, at Level 3 she unlocks Megami Hathor ( Lv. 31 ), and at Level 5 Fairy Titania ( Lv. 58 ).
At Lv 99, her stats are HP: 702, MP: 361, St: 40, Ma: 40, Vi: 18, Ag: 17.
- Born 6/10 (Gemini)
- Height: 175cm
- Weight: 59kg
- Occupation: JIPS Osaka Main Office Director; son of the Houtsuin family who founded the organization (not a student/in school) ((kanji for the JIPS goes here) (ジプス)大阪本局 局長 ジプス創始者一門・峰津院家の嫡子(学生ではない))
- Lives at: “Mainly Tokyo” (おもに東京)
- Places he wants to go during vacation: “I don’t get vacations.” (休みなどない)
At Level 1 he gains Physical resistance, at Level 3 he unlocks Deity Mithra ( Lv. 49 ), and at Level 5 Deity Baal ( Lv. 65 ).
Lv 99 stats are HP: 780, MP: 361, St: 40, Ma: 40, Vi: 21, Ag: 16.
Makoto Sako (迫真琴) - A 26-year old who has a frigid personality and works for JP's Tokyo Division. She’s not afraid to take risk and loyal to the organisation. She is also the second in command. In high school, she was in synchronized swimming team with hopes to get to the national team but she got into a traffic accident that cost her at least one year of rehabilitation and left her a bad scar on the shoulder. She got into depression and was scouted in JP's, which she genuinely grew to like. She is easily flustered around boys because she has been living in JP's facility for a long time and has lost much of her social knowledge.
- Born 11/2 (Scorpio)
- Height: 172cm (wow, rather tall huh?)
- Weight: 53kg
- Occupation: JIPS Tokyo branch clerk; originally a synchronized swimming representative candidate for Japan (ジプス東京支局 局員 シンクロナイズドスイミングで元日本代表候補)
- Lives at: Kansha, Tokyo (東京(官舎))
- Places she wants to go during vacation: “I like places like ?? and Nikko” ((some kanji i really just cannot read)倉や日光が好きだな)
At Level 1 she gains resistance to Ice, at Level 3 she unlocks Hero Jeanne D'Arc ( Lv. 50 ), and at Level 5 Megami Pallas Athena ( Lv. 69 ).
Her Lv 99 stats are HP: 786, MP: 337, St: 40, Ma: 36, Vi: 22, Ag: 17.
Otome Yanigaya (柳谷乙女 ) - A 24-year old physician in charge of JP's Osaka Branch. She has a warm personality and a kind heart. Last year, she adopted a relative's daughter. Her daughter is now 4 years old, and she’s having difficulties balancing career and home. While she’s feminine and motherly now, She used to prefer physical activities like playing Sumo than artistic ones when she was young. She can’t cook well and has problems with her daughter liking junk food more than her home cooking.
- Born 9/9 (Virgo, just like her name! It’s “otome” in Japanese)
- Height: 162cm
- Weight: “Feels about right” (ほどよい感じ) (not entirely sure on this one)
- Occupation: HIPS Osaka branch clerk; medical staff (ジプス大阪支局 局員 医療スタッフ)
- Lives at: “Always lived around Osaka” (ずっと大阪周辺です)
- Places she wants to go during vacation: 小春がデスティニーランドとデスティニーシーに行きたかったってて・・・ (not sure if she’s talking about someone named Koharu who wanted to go to Destinyland and Destinysea…? might be a reference to disneyland)
At Level 1 she gains resistances to Electricity and Mystic, at Level 3 she unlocks Femme Hariti ( Lv. 46 ), and at Level 5 Megami Amaterasu ( Lv. 77 ).
Her Lv 99 stats are HP: 750, MP: 500, St: 10, Ma: 40, Vi: 40, Ag: 25.
Fumi Kanno (菅野史 ) - A 21-year old scientist who leads JP’s Nagoya branch. She excels in science and conducts various studies. She writes software for JP's, and her hobby is research. She’s similar to Yamato but with a working set of common sense and morale. She studied abroad and treasured her host family there. She hates explaining stuff to idiots and will always mutter “What a drag” when doing so. She’s a Chinese descendant because when she’s really upset, she breaks into a Chinese accent. She gives out nicknames to a lot of people. According to the official art book, she lived in England before the event of the game
- Born: 7/3 (Cancer)
- Height: 164cm
- Weight: 47kg
- Occupation: JIPS Nagoya branch clerk; mostly in charge of information analysis and research/development (ジプス名古屋支局 局員 情報解析と研究開発を担当)
- Lives at: “Lived in England for quite a while.” (イギリスが長かった)
- Places she wants to go during vacation: “It’s been a while, so, England.” (久しぶりに、イギリス)
At Level 1 she gains resistance to Ice, at Level 3 she unlocks Deity Odin ( Lv. 37 ), and at Level 5 Fallen Agares ( Lv. 71 ).
Her Lv 99 stats are HP: 687, MP: 431, St: 9, Ma: 40, Vi: 26, Ag: 40.
Jungo Torii (鳥居純吾 ) - A 19-year old chef in Nagoya. A simple, quiet man who seems to be distressing mankind’s current condition. Jungo also has the mentality of a child and always offers you a chawan mushi. He said it’s the only thing he can cook, because he said his parent figure died before he taught Jungo any other recipes.
- Born 10/16 (Libra)
- Height: 182cm (Jungo’s still growing.) (ジュンゴ、まだ伸びてる)
- Weight: 67kg
- Occupation: Chef in-training (板前(修業中))
- Lives at: Nagoya (live-in at the store he works in) (名古屋(お店に住み込み))
- Places he wants to go during vacation: “Nowhere in particular. If it’s a picnic can I make the food?” (とくにないよ。ピクニックならごはんつけるよ?)
At Level 1 he gains Force resistance, at Level 3 he unlocks Deity Arahabaki ( Lv. 33 ), and at Level 5 Touki Oumitsunu ( Lv. 67 ).
His Lv 99 stats are HP: 973, MP: 151, St: 40, Ma: 9, Vi: 40, Ag: 26.
Airi Ban (伴亜衣梨 ) - A 15-year old lively and cheerful girl. A student at Nagoya High school. She hates idiots and seems to be hiding something about her family.She was once very talented at piano, and wanted to play professionally in concerts. However, she came from a working-class family and quit playing piano because of the costs of going to special high schools and private universities, in addition to her parents supporting her. She became a no-nonsense sort of person, and initially disliked Io both because Io had the opportunity to go to university and because she was so reserved and around-the-point when she spoke. She’s the type of person who talks without thinking and then apologizes soon after for being mean. She and Hinako seems to had a crush on the Protagonist.
- Born 1/18 (Capricorn)
- Height: 153cm
- Weight: “No way, dummy!” (サイテー。バカっ!)
- Occupation: 1st year in high school (高校1年生)
- Lives at: Nagoya (名古屋)
- Places she wants to go during vacation: “How about Vienna…” (ウィーン……かな)
At Level 1 she gains resistances to Electricity and Force, at Level 3 she unlocks Wilder Kaichi ( Lv. 37 ), and at Level 5 Vile Tao Tie ( Lv. 62 ).
Her Lv 99 stats are HP: 683, MP: 408, St: 22, Ma: 37, Vi: 21, Ag: 35.
Hinako Kujyo (九条緋那子 ) - A 19-year old dancer living in Osaka who began in traditional Japanese dance, but has studied many dances from around the world. She comes from a family of traditional Japanese dancers and trying to learn many modern dances. She’s a firm believer of human decency and looks after everyone and whenever there are problems, she will try to help, often to annoyance of the others. She is also suicidal when it comes to helping others, and your team will have to bail her up a couple times. She also becomes close friends with Airi. She and Airi seems to had a crush on the Protagonist.
- Born 3/19 (Pisces)
- Height: 170cm
- Weight: 48kg
- Occupation: Dancer (works as a part-time instructor); single daughter of the Kujyo family head, known for traditional Japanese dance (ダンサー(アルバイトでインストラクターも) 日本舞踊九条流宗家のひとり娘) (i’m assuming 九条流 would be the name of someone)
- Lives at: “Parents live in Kyoto; currently residing by myself in Osaka” (実家は京都、いま大阪でひとり暮らし)
- Places she wants to go during vacation: “A South American carnival!” (南米のカルナバル!)
At Level 1 she gains resistance to Ice, at Level 3 she unlocks Femme Peri ( Lv. 38 ), and at Level 5 Megami Isis ( Lv. 55 ).
Her Lv 99 stats are HP: 725, MP: 255, St: 40, Ma: 17, Vi: 18, Ag: 40.
Keita Wakui (和久井啓太 ) - A 16-year old student in Osaka and is on the boxing club. He’s a lone wolf and doesn’t like people getting close to him. He seems to be obsessed in getting stronger. Keita is an orphan since he was small and used to fend off for himself, so he dislikes other people. He first started out as a lone-wolf who thinks he’s strong enough to do everything by himself and likes a good challenge, especially facing strong opponents. Hinako scolds him for being reckless like that.
- Born 12/8 (Sagittarius)
- Height: 160cm
- Weight: 47kg
- Occupation: 2nd year in high school; boxer (light flyweight/in high rep) (高校2年生 ボクサー(ライトフライ級/インハイ代表))
- Lives at: Osaka (大阪)
- Places he wants to go during vacation: 修学旅行でうんざりゃ (not sure what would be a proper translation for this)
At Level 1 he gains resistance to Fire, at Level 3 he unlocks Touki Berserker ( Lv. 38 ), and at Level 5 Fury Susano-o ( Lv. 60 ).
His Lv 99 stats are HP: 863, MP: 163, St: 40, Ma: 10, Vi: 28, Ag: 37.
Yuzuru 'Joe' Akie (秋江譲 ) - A 25-year-old salaryman that works for a trading company. Yuzuru often has his head in the clouds and can make light of serious situations. However, he seems to be wiser than most other people. Joe is a lazy salaryman and solves his problems by ignoring them. He thinks that as long as he is safe and well fed, he cannot care less about saving people because he believes that a more diligent person will do it even if he doesn’t. He has a sickly girlfriend waiting for him in Nagoya hospital but he moved to Tokyo and had not visited for a long time because he think he's a bad boyfriend.
- Born 2/14 (Aquarius)
- Height: 180cm (… or not~ Suprisingly tall, huh♪) (……はないかな~ 意外と高いだろ♪)
- Weight: 63kg
- Occupation: Company worker (Foreign trade business) (会社員 (貿易商社の営業))
- Lives at: “From Nagoya, currently living in Tokyo” (出身は名古屋、いまは東京)
- Places he wants to go during vacation: “How about somewhere typical like Hawaii?” (ふつーにハワイとか?)
At Level 1 he gains Force resistance, at Level 3 he unlocks Avatar Kamapua'a ( Lv. 32 ), and at Level 5 Avatar Barong ( Lv. 68 ).
His Lv 99 stats are HP: 649, MP: 361, St: 20, Ma: 40, Vi: 15, Ag: 40.
Ronaldo Kuriki (栗木ロナウド ) - A 26-year old detective situated in Nagoya who seems to oppose JP's and its leader Yamato Houtsuin. Ronaldo was a police detective. His senior investigated JIP’s and the government and “disappeared” in the process. He blames JP's for killing his senior although he has no proof whatsoever, and because JP's current head is Yamato, he wants to kill Yamato for this and every single one of JP's members. Ronaldo is very emotionally driven. The Protagonist will have to make sure he doesn't go blind in revenge. According to the official art book, his mother is Brazilian.
- Born 4/6 (Aries)
- Height: 186cm
- Weight: 79kg
- Occupation: Police detective (刑事)
- Lives at: “Born and raised in Nagoya” (生まれも育ちも名古屋)
- Places he wants to go during vacation: “Brazil. My mom’s side of the family seems to live over there.” (ブラジル。母方の親戚がいるらしいので)
At Level 1 he gains resistance to Fire, at Level 3 he unlocks Deity Inti ( Lv. 45 ), and at Level 5 Kishin Ometeotl ( Lv. 75 ).
His Lv 99 stats are HP: 903, MP: 248, St: 40, Ma: 25, Vi: 40, Ag: 10.
Credit to : wikipedia and
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